
numerical matrixes of dominoes

ciphers of hexagonal dominoes

Page 9.


mathematical ratios of seventy pieces in game design of square dominoes


Geometrical matrixes of four-digit ciphers for hexagonal dominoes.
The ninth web page results information on mathematical laws or ratios of seventy pieces in game design of mega square dominoes with geometrical numerical matrixes which form complex polygons and multivariate figures.


Square dominoes and hexagons of numbers.
Rhombic and hexagonal numerical matrixes.

Seventy game pieces of mega square dominoes form esoteric system of four-digit numerical combinations which can be correlated to playing board or otherwise rectangular mathematical matrix in which horizontals and verticals correspond to seven days of creation in the Bible or calendar weeks and seven-year periods of biblical chronology, and also ten magical symbols of sacral Sefirot or Sephirot in Mystical Cabala or Kabbalah, and heavenly spheres in cosmological systems of Greek philosophy, that in aggregate forms digital matrix of world space and time.
Also game pieces of mega square dominoes can be correlated to mathematical matrixes which have different geometrical forms, which symbolize various physical and metaphysical phenomena of universe, or otherwise to tell measurements and sizes of world reality, and in essence which are complex cosmological models according to which calendars or other systems of time, also pantheons of mythological gods and sequences of letters in alphabets of human civilization are constructed.
In particular hexagonal geometrical forms can be considered, that is shown on the chart.

geometrical forms and figures of mathematical matrixes of dominoes The shown mathematical matrix has geometrical shape of hexagon in which hexagonal cells form nine horizontals, also ten right and ten left diagonals which allow to correlate four-digit numerical combinations of mega square dominoes with diverse physical and metaphysical phenomena of world reality.
In particular it is possible to consider parities of four-digit combinations of mega square dominoes with characteristics of astrological planets and philosophical values of mystical symbols of Cabalistic Sephirot, also with numbers of Greek Pythagorean numerology.
Right diagonals - ten astrological planets.
Left diagonals - ten mystical symbols of Cabalistic Sephirot.
Horizontals - nine numbers of Pythagorean numerology,
For example if any piece of mega square dominoes is compared with cell of serial number 33 in space of hexagonal matrixe then is connected with astrological planet ME mercury and Cabalistic Sephirot HOD, also Pythagorean numerological number five.
Also in space of hexagonal numerical matrixes it is possible to consider sub-verticals and sub-diagonals which can be correlated with additional collateral parameters of physical and metaphysical phenomena of universe.
In particular on one sub-vertical in space of the shown hexagonal matrix there are cells of serial numbers 1 - 15 - 33 - 51 - 65.
On one right sub-diagonal there are cells of serial numbers 6 - 11 - 17 - 24 - 32.
On one left sub-diagonal there are cells of serial numbers 1 - 9 - 18 - 28 - 39.


Numerical hexagonal matrixes are intended for six-sided tiles or pieces of mega square dominoes with designations of digits at four sides or edges. Namely for hexagonal dominoes which are equivalent to square or tetrahedral tiles because digits are designated at four sides, and two edges have no numerical values, that is shown on the chart.

numerical hexagonal matrixes for six-sided tiles or pieces

Top and bottom sides of hexagonal or six-sided pieces of mega square dominoes have designations of digits.
Lateral sides of hexagonal or six-sided pieces of mega square dominoes are grey without digital designations.
Total quantity of six-sided mega square domino pieces can be arranged in groups which correspond with hexagonal shapes of numerical matrixes.
Zero group - tetrad of four pieces which have one cipher of four.
1st group - hexagon of six pieces which have four ciphers of four.
2nd and 3rd groups - hexagons of pieces of digital formulas XYXY and XXYY.
4th group - dodecagon of 12 pieces of digital formula XXXY.
5th group - dodecagon of 12 pieces of digital formula XYXZ.
Groups under numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 - hexagons of pieces of digital formula XXYZ.
Two pieces have no digital designations, namely all sides are grey.
Grey pieces of mega square dominoes can be used if numerical matrixes have 71 or 72 cells.
4yh and 5th groups can be arranged in triplets which are shown on the following chart.

square dominoes with notes of musical scale and music of heavenly spheres

According to the shown groups of pieces or tiles it is possible to correlate four-digit combinations of mega square dominoes to different geometrical forms of hexagonal numerical matrixes, that can be interesting for intellectual conundrums and logical puzzles. Also for logical analytics of esoteric interrelations of digital combinations of mega square dominoes with calendars and astronomical cycles of planets in astrology, also heavenly spheres of universe and letters in alphabets of human civilization, or other physical and metaphysical phenomena of world reality.
For example it is possible to analyze interrelations of digital combinations of mega square dominoes with notes of musical scale and music of heavenly spheres according to 7+7=14 horizontals of numerical hexagonal matrix which has geometrical form of rhombus or two combined pyramids, that is shown on the chart.

angular distances of astronomical orbits of nine planets in solar system Horizontals of top pyramid - four musical notes of upper octave, also three notes of middle octave.
Horizontals of bottom inverted pyramid - four musical notes of middle octave, also three notes of lower octave.
In total for each note of musical scale there correspond ten cells of two combined pyramids.
Top pyramid.
Upper octave.
F - note FA.
G - note SOL.
A - note LA.
H - note SI.
Middle octave.
C - note DO.
D - note RE.
E - note MI.
Bottom pyramid.
Middle octave.
F - note FA.
G - note SOL.
A - note LA.
H - note SI.
Lower octave.
C - note DO.
D - note RE.
E - note MI.

Left diagonals of two pyramids correspond with astronomical complex of planets in solar system.
Mercury ME - distance from the Sun is 0,387 astronomical units.
Venus VE - distance from the Sun is 0,723 astronomical units.
Earth ZE - distance from the Sun is 1 astronomical unit.
Mars MA - distance from the Sun is 1,524 astronomical units.
Jupiter UP - distance from the Sun is 5,203 astronomical units.
Saturn SA - distance from the Sun is 9,539 astronomical units.
Uranus UR - distance from the Sun is 19,19 astronomical units.
Neptune NE - distance from the Sun is 30,07 astronomical units.
Pluto PL - distance from the Sun is 39,65 astronomical units.
Right diagonals of two pyramids correspond with eight angular distances of astronomical orbits of nine planets in solar system.
Perihelion - point of astronomical orbit where planet is near to the Sun.
Aphelion - point of astronomical orbit where planet is far from the Sun.
Semiquadrate - angular distance of 45 degrees from perihelion or aphelion.
Quadrate - angular distance of 90 degrees from perihelion or aphelion.
Sesquiquadrate - angular distance of 135 degrees from perihelion or aphelion.
According to ratio of seven notes of musical scale with astronomical positions of nine planets in solar system, namely according to parities of horizontals with diagonals in the shown hexagonal numerical matrix it is possible to realize music of heavenly spheres or sounding of cosmic harmony which in the context of Greek Pythagorean philosophy resounds with biological rhythms of human organism and can be a source of catharsis if person perceives harmonious fluctuations of acoustic waves which result from movement of sky and rotation of global time wheel in space of world reality.
For example sounding of Earth in perihelion in near position to the Sun corresponds with musical note SOL of upper octave and cell of serial number 3.
Sounding of Saturn in aphelion in far position from the Sun corresponds with musical note SOL of middle octave and cell of serial number 47.
Also all planets of solar system form uniform harmonious sounding of divine sky music or cosmic symphony which can be realized according to ratio of heavenly bodies and musical notes with horizontals and diagonals of the shown hexagonal matrix.
Alongside with horizontals and diagonals it is possible to consider sub-verticals and sub-diagonals which are connected with additional acoustic parameters of seven notes of musical scale and waves of world space.
Four-digit combinations of 70 mega square domino pieces can be considered as factors according to which sounding of astronomical planets is not monotonous, but sounds disappear and arise, namely pulse and consequently become less or more intensive.
Positions of 70 mega square domino pieces in cells of hexagonal numerical matrix can be varied if creative source of music is human consciousness. Namely if person correlates domino pieces to cells of matrix during game or logical patience puzzle, that is equivalent to creativity of composers who composes music. Or if person has domino pieces in cells of matrix without logical reflection in casual order.
Or positions of 70 mega square domino pieces in cells of hexagonal numerical matrix can be constant if creative source of music is not caused by human consciousness. Namely if positions of domino pieces correspond to universal mathematical laws according to which cosmic space of universe is organized.
Constant positions of 70 mega square domino pieces in cells of hexagonal numerical matrix are equivalent to motionless stars which in space of heavenly sphere have fixed locations concerning the Sun and epicenter of astronomical movement of planets.
Because 70 digital combinations of mega square dominoes are equivalent to celestial bodies which are described in the star catalogue Mul Apin of ancient Babylonian astronomy, that is shown on the shart.

celestial bodies in the star catalogue Mul Apin of ancient Babylonian astronomy

Left hexagonal matrix is formed by two combined rhombuses.
33 stars in zone ENLIL - 9 horizontals and 33 cells of top rhombus.
23 stars in zone ANU - 2 horizontals and 3 cells of top rhombus, plus 6 horizontals and 21 cell of bottom rhombus.
Lower cell of top rhombus is combined with upper cell of bottom rhombus.
15 stars in zone EA - 5 horizontals and 15 cells of bottom rhombus.
Right hexagonal matrix is formed by two truncated and combined rhombuses.
33 stars in zone ENLIL - 6 horizontals and 33 cells of top truncated rhombus.
23 stars in zone ANU - 4 horizontals and 22 cells of top truncated rhombus, plus 1 cell of bottom truncated rhombus.
15 stars in zone EA - 3 horizontals and 15 cells of bottom truncated rhombus.
Everyone hexagonal matrix has 70 cells which correspond with quantity of digital combinations of mega square dominoes, also one empty cell which corresponds to one of stars in zone АНУ.
Empty cell in space of shown hexagonal matrixes can correspond to the Sun which is star in zone ANU.
Stars in zone ENLIL correspond to 33 letters of contemporary Russian alphabet.
Stars in zone ANU correspond to 22 letters of ancient Phoenician writing, also one letter which is unknown.
Stars in zone EA correspond to 15 vowel letters of Slavonic Cyrillic alphabet if to consider four alphabetic symbols as variants of one phoneme. Namely if to consider letters of serial numbers 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 as graphical characters which designate phonetic variants of one vowel sound in the Slavonic Cyrillic alphabet.
It is possible to assume that stars of heavenly sphere in ancient Babylonian astronomy have been compared to letters and sounds of speech. Therefore in zone EA there are 15 stars, that corresponds to vowel phonemes which are essential in articulation of human speech. And consequently in zone ANU there are 23 stars, that corresponds to consonant phonemes which are essential in articulation of human speech.
Because ancient Phoenician writing was alphabetic complex of letters which designated consonants of human speech, and symbols of vowel phonemes were absent.
It is possible to assume that ancient people used only consonants for record of words, because stars in zone EA were sacred as sounds which can be said but was impossible to writing.
Also it is possible to assume that in ancient world there was alphabetic system which was equivalent to contemporary Russian alphabet, because in zone ENLIL there are 33 stars.
Also four-digit numerical combinations of 70 mega square domino pieces can be compared with deities in mythological pantheon of ancient Egypt, also with zodiacal constellations and stars of heavenly sphere according to images which can be seen in Egyptian temples and tombs of pharaohs.

stars of heavenly sphere in Egyptian temples and tombs of pharaohs

The shown image has 35 vertical columns which correspond to constellations and stars of heavenly sphere, also to gods of ancient Egypt or deities of celestial hierarchy which can be correlated with 35+35=70 pieces of mega square dominoes. Also with numerical mathematical matrixes which are geometrical prototypes of six steps of Egyptian pyramid of pharaoh Djoser in Saqqara or Bent Pyramid of pharaoh Sneferu at royal necropolis of Dahshur, as shown in the chart.

Bent Pyramid of pharaoh Sneferu at royal necropolis of Dahshur

In a similar way it is possible to correlate ciphers of mega square dominoes to names of gods and letters of alphabets, also astronomical cycles of planets and stars in space of numerical matrixes which have various geometrical forms and symbolize complex mathematical ratios of diverse physical and metaphysical phenomena of universe.

I hope that this information will help to understand mathematical principles according to which ciphers and numerical matrixes of dominoes are displays of universal laws of universe, or otherwise to tell divine order of world reality.
Also I hope that these mathematical principles become logical basis of interesting intellectual puzzles or esoteric games and mystical conundrums.

More detail information about numerical matrixes of dominoes I shall try to publish in the future on pages of this website.
